
Showing posts from September, 2019

Before You Dive In...

I have always wanted to write, partly to improve my writing skills but also to document my research in reverse code engineering, software exploitation and computer programming in general, my current goal is to have at least a post a week, but since am just starting out I do not know how feasible that will be considering school and my need for quality over quantity. In the coming weeks, I will post on varying topics from software reverse engineering to exploitation and basically anything that interest me. My primary aim is just to cement my knowledge in my fields of interest by giving back to the community as I learn and hopefully along the way help someone trying to learn. A quick disclaimer though is that I am no professional at either writing or the subject on which I will be writing (at least for now),  am just trying to navigate through the vast ocean of knowledge hoping to pick one or two things along the way, so corrections, constructive criticism, and even unconstructive ones