
Showing posts from August, 2021

SSRF Notes: An unexpected journey

This will InshaAllah be the beginning of a series of posts on my Server Side Request Forgery SSRF research journey. Why SSRF? Well, I recently came across the 3-Months Microsoft Azure SSRF research challenge and because I strongly believe there are a lot of uncharted areas in SSRF research, I decided to partake and who knows maybe I might earn myself a little bounty along the way :). Game Plan Currently, the plan is simple, get myself up to speed with the current state of the art in SSRF research by solving CTFs and freely available Lab challenges to gather some intuition and then move on to asking questions with regards to the current limitations of known exploit techniques, hopefully, I will stumble on something new. I will start with Solving Portswigger Web Security Academy Labs in this post and then other CTF challenges in the subsequent posts. PS: most of the posts on SSRF will be fast-paced it's just meant to serve as self notes for reference and to organize my thoughts L

Euclid's Algorithm

Introduction I was recently going through the cryptohack  challenges when I came across the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) challenge, this challenge is a novice level challenge where you are expected to code up a function to compute the GCD of two numbers, a link to Euclid's Algorithm was provided as a hint to solve the problem. Normally, as expected I followed the link just to brush up on my understanding, considering that it's something I already knew. Soon after I proceeded to code up the function and then realized I was missing a great deal of what was supposed to be intuitive, that is, I did not properly understand the algorithm as I thought, hence this post. So what is Euclid's Algorithm? It's an algorithm attributed to 300 B.C. Greek mathematician Euclid , for efficiently computing the greatest common divisor of two numbers, this algorithm has a wide array of uses especially in the field of cryptography. The GCD of any two numbers, for example, 5 and 12, is the l